Some Things Never Change: Rant of the Day


I’ve spent many years around the Blogosphere writing, reading, debating, and sometimes just observing.  Recently I’ve spent most of my *free online* time sticking more to issues in the political arena and mostly stayed away from the old slap-fight blogs, blogs about hating men, blogs about hating women, and getting too arrogant in having “fans”.

Fans can be very dangerous to a person’s writing skills and can actually harm their perception of reality OFF the net.

I’ve observed many of the old-school bloggers still angry about the same *often imaginary* threats and delusions as well as seeing many new writers attaching themselves to the rabid hindquarters of those more bitter old-school bloggers.

I’ve always enjoyed a good debate (and still do) and also enjoy writing and reading about some subjects more than others, but am I alone in thinking it’s odd to read blogs that are 5, 6, and 7 years old focused on just one or two *non-world-threatening* issue?

I was hoping to come back to blogging seeing a refreshing new crop of writers on a variety of topics and I definitely did come across a few.  Some that are far smarter than I am.  But I’ve also come across a larger portion of writers who seem to write whatever ridiculous nonsense their fans seem to appreciate.  I know real writers…and real writers have a passion for researching and sharing information in whatever creative manner they enjoy most.  So many of these bloggers have wasted potential writing talent and intelligence on singular issues that are either non-existent…or downright imaginary.

All of these bizarre conspiracies in everything from politics to gender-wars to vaccinations to sports…


What a waste of true intelligence and writing talent.  I’m no professional by any standards, but it seems to me that blogging about a variety of issues or just your own REAL thoughts and opinions on matters (rather than pandering to keep “fans” or trying to create drama where none exists) would be the best avenue for someone who is truly inspired to write.

I guess what I’m saying is that my return to the blogosphere and taking a deep look at what I’ve missed has been disappointing.  There is so much positive, amazing, intelligent, and enlightening information out there, but it all seems to be stored in the Zero-Fucks Warehouse in favor of what is essentially gossip-magazine quality material from otherwise talented writers.

That being said, I still find that there’s nothing more satisfying than having just a few “fans” of your deepest thoughts on things that matters rather than 1 million fans on things that don’t.

Does anyone give an actual fuck about sharing useful information anymore?

*End rant