About Lady Raine

I’m Lady Raine.  And this is my lair.

I’m a former blogger who is blogging again…most likely to the emotional detriment of some and to the delight of others.  I say what I think and will blog about anything I think is of interest.  I don’t stick to a theme or category or string of topics for my writing.  I’m often long-winded and sarcastic, but tend to eventually get to the point in an intelligent fashion (albeit often riddled with foul language).

I’m a mom with one son, am 33 years old, have never been married (but have a long term boyfriend), and am a CNC Programmer and Machinist by trade.  I’ve studied many subjects and enjoy everything from politics and law to engineering and technology.  I also enjoy reading, writing, fashion, food, the arts, and understanding human nature.  I’m a natural student of everything I can find and my writing topics are often so random that they clearly reflect as much.

If I need to pick a political stance, I’d say I’m “mostly irritated”.

My religious views are that religion is ridiculous and adults shouldn’t have imaginary friends.

Thoughts on romantic relationships?  Well…they’re fun and make you feel all warm and fuzzy, but also like poking hot sticks into your frontal lobe hundreds of times per day just trying to “get it right”.  So a love-hate thing for me, mostly.

Writing?  I’m clueless.  I just like to splatter my thoughts on a page, read and debate opinions with others, and occasionally offend someone or make them laugh.  Sometimes I do double-duty by simultaneously saving the world with my thought-provoking words.

I don’t like to censor people and any visitors here are always welcome to ask me questions, post comments *reasonably* freely, and challenge anything I’ve said.  I’m also always open to hearing suggestions and criticisms from others.

As always…enjoy your stay!


Lady Raine

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