The Lady’s Return

For those who don’t already know me, consider me the new kid around here…for those that do, I’ve decided to come back and give it another go.  I’ve missed writing and frequently get emails and updates from my old friends here at wordpress.  I’m a bit busy these days and am not sure how well returning to the battle-dome will work out, but I have so many thoughts on various subjects and nowhere to splatter them.

This was always as good a place as any.

My blog will still be “a blog about everything” as it always was.  I will still attempt to keep moderation to a reasonable minimum, and am always open to debate and ideas just as I’ve always been.

You’ll be seeing me around a bit more now in 2014.  It’s a shame that my lack of moderation caused wordpress to delete my old blog.  But let’s face it…there are archives of it everywhere if one is willing to look.  For those interested, I’ve been spending more time creating pages and debating politics and popular issues in various venues that shall remain nameless here.  For now, at least.

I’ll be chatting with you all as soon as I get this thing up and running.  But in the mean time, I’ve been spending a lot more time doing things like this…



Lady Raine

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